I HAD BEEN COUGHING non-stop for 3 months. to the point of almost suffocation. In November TWO (2) visits to ER.
THURSDAY, January 16, 2025, I watched Dr.Ardis’s Video (linked below)
and purchased The Nicotine Patch.DAY TWO: FRIDAY, January 17, 2025, less than 24 hours of wearing the patch, I starting coughing significantly less.
DAY THREE: SATURDAY, January 18, 2025, after an almost full night of sleep, and barely coughed
DAY FOUR: SUNDAY, January 19, 2025 - Full night of sleep. No coughing.
It’s 6:23 pm and hardly any coughing all day?DAY FIVE: MONDAY: January 20, 2025 - Full night of sleep. No coughing.
DAY SIX: TUESDAY: January 21, 2025 - Full night of sleep. No coughing.
This morning woke up with some coughing. Coughed on/off for a couple hours, however I’m certain its because I had an ice cream Sunday (vanilla ice cream) last night at about 8:30 pm EST. It’s now 11:00 am and the coughing stopped.
To save you reading time here is my backstory
SAVE MORE TIME. In the recording below
I have read the contents of my post.
Before I launch into my post I want to thank an amazing and kind substack creator, “Margaret Anna Alice” for her work. I credit Margaret for adding to my knowledge on this subject. She is a treasure to us all.
I’ve decided that Substack will house my “online journal”; my place to share things of interest to me and hopefully to you my readers.
This post deals with my battle with LONG HAUL COVID-19, something I’ve been dealing with for over 3 months. I and my husband have been avidly searching for a cure from its ill effects. Research has shown that multitudes of people worldwide are suffering, some for months and some for years with Long Covid. That knowledge set off an alarm in me to learn all I could about the affliction and hopefully find a cure. I’m sharing what I hope will be a cure and I hope you can benefit from my research and results.
This is my 2nd go around with Covid-19. Honestly, the first time I had it, I did not suffer. I was better in less than a week. This time, however, it is quite different. It is the kind of cough where you feel (no exaggeration) that due to the non-stop coughing, you will eventually suffocate. I have been coughing so badly from long covid I made two trips to the ER in November. It was in mid-November I learned I had the accompanying pneumonia. The picture you see is how I look much of my day and even into the late night and early morning hours.
Sadly, I missed all of our Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year celebrations. I am a singer, a YouTube content creator with 288 videos, a breadmaker, I love to write, and a wife to a wonderful loving man.
These days, however, I am like a prisoner in our home. I have searched ad nauseam, read, watched, purchased endless products, and taken Big Pharma crap (sorry about the word crap) for this “COVID/pneumonia” thing happily residing inside my body.
Around Christmas time I read with great interest an article by the very prolific and wonderful Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass:
Yesterday, Thursday 1.16.25, I was reading Dr. Boden’s substack article (Day 8), and a kind man named “Justin” recommended a book by Dr. Bryan Ardis and his stance on "long Covid". The book’s title: "Moving Beyond the Covid-19 Lies”.
I IMMEDIATELY did some research on Dr. Ardis and promptly purchased the book. After even more research I found his video below.
To say I was fully immersed in Dr.Ardis’s video is an understatement. I listened to it TWICE. Once alone, and later with my husband. I took five (5) pages of notes.
I am amazed at the content he shared. Here is a short clip.
It might benefit you to listen to ALL of his (admittedly very long) video. I know we are all busy, but 3 months of being “out of commission, secluded in our home” has compelled my never-ending search. I read until I felt my eyes would bleed. I promise you it will be of great interest. I have never heard many of the things Dr.Ardis shares. To save you a bit of time though please scrub through to timestamp 19:14 and listen to what he shares about how “nicotine” cured not just his wife but many others.
Here then begins my online journal for all to see.
I am new to substack so I don’t know how many people will read it, but perhaps if you feel it has value you might feel led to share it. I’m not looking for likes, or anything like that, I simply want to share what I hope is a cure.
Last night, not 3 hours after watching Dr.Ardis’s video we purchased the product Dr. Ardis recommends in his video. It is a “Nicorette Patch, 7mg” purchased at our local Target. It cost about $40.00. It can be ordered online and if you register with Target you can save $15.00.
I will be back each day to let you know my results. Dr. Ardis mentioned it took his wife 3 days to feel better. She chose to chew gum and it is amazing how she saw such quick results. SHE WAS ILL FOR 2 LONG YEARS. Like Dr. Ardis’s wife, I was concerned about addiction. In the video, he goes into detail assuring us that nicotine is neither addictive during nor after the protocol is finished.
Tonight at 8:30 is PATCH #2. I have hardly coughed all day, and NOW I understand why. Further, I fully understand why I have Long Covid and how it sets itself up in the body. If you’re suffering from Long Covid, perhaps you’ll find time to watch the entire video. If you do I’d love to know your thoughts. Please come back let me know what you think. I’ll be back each day to share my progress.
Oh and if you have a few free moments Margaret’s Fairy Tale is a “must-read”.
Thanks so much if you’ve read this far. I would appreciate it if you would comment and share. I ask only that you be kind. I’m a bit of a sensitive soul. God bless you all and may we all find healing.
Sending love out to you all with prayers for healing … Sincerely
Sounds like a belief to me then.
I've lived 4 and a half decades and have learnt it is best not to believe anything anyone tells you. Testimonies or not. The same question I asked you, applies to all the people who have compiled those testimonies you refer to...
How do you know it was the nicotine patches specifically, and not your body just doing its thing, and healing itself?